The Management of PLENTIUM CAPITAL considers the clear definition of the values and principles driving the function of the Company, both within their own structure and in external operational contexts, very important. This occurred with the goal of effectively ensuring third parties that all business activities are conducted in full compliance with reference rules; rules that are always applicable in a framework of fair competition, honesty, integrity, fairness and good faith, and in compliance with the legitimate interests of all stakeholders with whom PLENTIUM CAPITAL come into daily contact. These stakeholders are employees, suppliers, clients, business and financial partners, local communities and institutions of the countries in which PLENTIUM CAPITAL is operative.
The aforementioned values are expressed and specified in the new Code of Ethics of the Group approved on 2012, which fully incorporates the most evolved part of the general regulatory framework affecting our decision-making and developing the themes inherent to human rights and sustainability involved in our function. The Code of Ethics is in line with the International Best Practice and updates the references connected with the present evolution of organizational structure of communities with which the group interacts.
In this regard, it is also very important to underline that to comply and to cause to comply with all the aforementioned principles within their functions and responsibilities is a commitment of all those who work for PLENTIUM CAPITAL, from corporate bodies and management. In other words, in no way can the precondition to act in favour of PLENTIUM CAPITAL justify the adoption of conducts even partially contrary to the above-mentioned principles.
The Code of Ethics applies to all the companies of the Group.